Daisy Maddinson

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Conscious Quarantine for Outdoor Folk

What can we do during these difficult times? The honest answer: not much really.

I think we can all agree, 20/20 vision feels like a pretty ironic prophecy right now. Truth is, for most of us, the future is foggy and unclear, the next steps forward uncertain.

For me, the best remedy for our situation is to just be present. During times of hardship, living in the present moment offers us all a comforting balm, outside of past grievances or future worries. A place of acceptance for what is now - although it’s not always that easy.

In this strange period of isolation and the seeming collapse of business-as-usual, we have a unique opportunity to press pause on our realities. To think about our impact, both personal and on the Earth.

It can be triggering, this hiatus of '“normal”, so how do we use it to create lasting positive change?

If we can embrace the truth that we only really have the present moment, we understand our freedom in every moment to be conscious choice-makers. The question is: what do we want to take with us into the future?

Consciously creating the future means having the courage to go inwards and ask the hard questions. It means using our time intentionally, for whatever purpose we feel fit. During this sequestration of self, I invite you to dream and hope; to explore what we stand for; to regenerate our lives for the better.

“In the rush to return to normal,

consider what parts are worth

rushing back to.” - David Hollis

Remember that ultimately, we are what we consume and what we do. The list below is just a few of the resources I’ve been enjoying during isolation to stay positive and inspired during this time. Some are simple practises to keep your mind and body supple, whilst others are means for staying connected to our planet and our stoke for the outdoors.

Be kind with yourself. I’m not saying you should or have to do any of them. But if you are looking for some internal support or inspiration for a life well lived, they’ll still be here tomorrow, next week, and for months to come.

Go easy. That’s all we really need to do at this time.


The Future We Choose - Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac

Creative Calling - Chase Jarvis

A New Earth - Ekhart Tolle

Tools for Grassroots Activists - Edited by Nora Gallagher & Lisa Myers

Metahuman - Deepak Chopra

The Alchemist - Paul Coehlo


21 Days Of Yoga - Emily Ruth Yoga

Shoulders, Upper Chest, and Neck Vinyasa Yoga (65min. Intermediate-Advanced) - Schuyler Grant

Yin Yoga for Hips (60 minutes) - Annie Au


Morning Meditation for Clarity, Stability and Presence (10 minutes)

Guided Forest Meditation (5 minutes) - Emily Ruth Yoga

Finding Hope in Uncertain Times with Deepak Chopra and Oprah

Calm App


TYPE 2: Reece Pacheco (WSL Pure) - Looking Sideways

Rewilding the Self with Jesse Harman Wolfe - For The Wild

Chris Burkard: Saying Yes to What You Want - The Chase Jarvis LIVE Show

Restoring our ecological and human regenerative capacities to heal with Dr Zach Bush - Green Deamer

David Hollis ON: How To Stop Listening To Other People’s Opinions & Write Your Own Story - On Purpose


Rotpunkt | Alex Megos and the Advent, the Agony and the Art of the Redpoint

WHERE DREAMS GO TO DIE - Gary Robbins and The Barkley Marathons

Captain Fantastic (Netflix)

Brenee Brown: The Call To Courage (Netflix)

Fishpeople | Lives Transformed by the Sea


How To Start A Journal (Even if You Hate Writing)

Tips For Keeping A Gratitude Journal

A super simple practice, but an extremely beneficial one. Every morning, before I engage in anything external, I write down:

I will let go of…
I am grateful for…
I will focus on…


Wim Hof - Free 3 Day Mini Course

10 minute Nourishing Breath Meditation

Pranayama Potion | Yoga With Adriene

This is by no means exhaustive, there’s so much more I want to lay here for you. I’m going to treat this as a living list - updating regularly with new (and old) forms of inspiration for a more holistic, creative, conscious life outdoors.

If you have any suggestions of things that would fit here, or that have particularly inspired you over this period, please get in touch. I’d love to hear from you!